Genetic Cancer Screening
We strongly believe that Health & Wellness should focus on disease prevention and understanding your personal health risks. As your healthcare provider, it is critical to understand your hereditary cancer risk which plays an important role in decision making for your care. Because of this, it is important that we are able to offer you options that provide a convenient, affordable way to receive Genetic Cancer Screening.
That's why we have partnered with
Myriad Genetics
for MyRisk Hereditary Cancer Screening!
Take our FREE Pre-Screening Quiz to see if Genetic Cancer Screening is recommended for you!
Why Should I Consider Genetic Cancer Screening?
Myriad's industry leading variant classification program has over 27 years of experience with hereditary cancer testing and provides a lifetime commitment to classification of variants and updated results as new research becomes available.
Affordable & Convenient
Myriad works directly with patients to provide up-front costs, patient assistance programs, and discounted self-pay rates with 3 out of 4 patients paying $0, 90% of patients paying less than $100 (Most genetic testing through other companies can cost $1500-$2,000).
*Balance Consult Fee not included in above pricing and is billed separate. See membership details for consultation pricing.
Convenient/Easy to Use
No lab appointment or needles required! Once ordered by your provider, MyRisk genetic testing kit is mailed directly to your home with easy-to-follow home instructions for saliva sampling.
Personalized Results & Medical Management Recommendations
MyRisk Genetic Screening is used to identify your risk for genes associated with the below 8 cancer sites:
Melanoma (Skin)
40+ genetic mutations of those genes
Your consultation includes follow-up visit to discuss results in detail to include full management recommendations for both positive and negative results. This information will then be used to create your personalized screening recommendations and plan as well as referral to any specialist, if necessary.